Chloë Holt: Semper Hortus

1 - 31 October 2022
Chloë Holt, born in 1981, is one of the youngest artists ever to be an elected member of the Royal Cambrian Academy and was selected by Maurice Cockrill RA, President and Keeper of the Royal Academy, London, in 2012. For her third exhibition with David Simon Contemporary, she continues her exploration of semi-figuration through her ever-deepening fascination of ancient forms, using Roman vessels interspersed with flora, in her homage to the Roman Hortus.

Chloë Holt trained at Manchester Metropolitan University and was accepted into The Royal College of Art. She became a Fellow of the RSA in 2003  and also won a Student Design Award.
Other prizes include the "Lorenzo il Magnifico" Prize for works on Paper at Florence Biennale, 2010, and, Winner of the Kyffin Williams Drawing Prize, 2012.