Cercare la Luce: Gareth Edwards RWA | Diana Matthews FRSA | Sue Wales

3 May - 1 June 2024

Gareth Edwards, based in St Ives, trained at Goldsmiths College, London and exhibits internationally. His latest paintings in this exhibition are based on largely Italian coastal subjects. Contrasting with these ethereal compositions are the more figurative approaches by two painters, Diana Matthews and Sue Wales. Diana Matthews trained at the Bath Academy of Art in the 1950s and focusses on semi-abstract still life, whilst Sue Wales, who trained at Grande Chaumiere, Paris and Academie Julien, Paris and is a long established member of the Bath Society of Artists moves between all subject matter, from landscape, portraiture to still lifes and room interiors.


We are delighted to show ceramics for the first time by Jane Sheppard through May and June. Sheppard trained at Bath Spa University and became a full-time lecturer in Art and Design. Jane has exhibited in London and is now developing larger, sculptural pieces and teaching the ancient heritage skills of hand-coiling and smoke-firing.

Gareth Edwards, a painter who exhibits internationally and is based in St Ives, has slowly evolved in recent years from abstraction toward a more specifically landscape-based approach. The paintings remain open and free with abstracted elements but are now more spatial, more elemental and evoke emotional weathers and poetic atmospheres as much as topological features. His latest paintings in this exhibition are based on largely Italian coastal subjects.


Contrasting with these ethereal compositions are the more figurative approaches by two painters, Diana Matthews and Sue Wales. Matthews trained at the Bath Academy of Art in the 1950s. Conversely, this artist moved from painterly representation to simplified and abstracted forms, with influences from her tutor, William Scott, the eminent St Ives modernist. Sue Wales trained at Reigate School of Art, Grande Chaumiere, Paris and Academie Julien, Paris. Now based in Somerset, she is a long established member of the Bath Society of Artists and has exhibited in London, throughout the UK and U.S.A. Working exclusively in oils, her work moves between all subject matter, from landscape, portraiture to still lifes and room interiors.



Exhibition: 117